Throughout course 5389, I have experienced some exciting learning experiences and I have been challenged to reflect frequently on what I thought I knew and recognize that there many aspects to creating and sustaining change that I had never considered. It's funny now but I had my moments where I was confused, and I didn't know if I would make it this far. With only two courses remaining I am Thankful that I am not alone in the learning. The members in this course serve in many different roles and bring fresh perspectives and ideas that they share weekly in our course meetings and through multiple written discussions. I delighted in reflecting on their posts, sharing my lenses and ideas with them throughout the course. I also responded to at least two discussion posts with citations each time. This was something new but worth it. I engaged in all the class sessions and breakouts and shared frequently. All media and readings were viewed/read, and all assignments were turned in prior to the deadlines. I returned to each of my assignments after receiving feedback and addressed everything that was suggested "well, I tried my best". I also had to return to some assignments to bring them into alignment with more recent learning. My peer group, consisting of James, Maria, Eddricka , and myself met weekly on Thursday nights throughout the course and held ongoing discussions via text. I was even able to help support my peers by providing feed-forward on projects . We reviewed each other’s work throughout, provided feed-forward, and discussed multiple aspects of the course materials each week. I am very fortunate to be a part of such an open and sharing group. I anticipate a score of 95/100 for this course. I would have expected higher, except that I did not cite sources on my initial discussion responses as I misunderstood the expectation. I feel that I gave my best effort throughout this course except for my discussion post responses. I feel that I could give a little more time to providing a deeper and more substantive response in some cases, but I made it do what it does. This course challenged me in ways that really made me think outside of the box. The crazy thing is, I fell in love with doing the projects, videos and the slides. I tried the call to action video and I submitted it to Dr. Sue, and I actually did good. My confidence level increased. The overall experience was incredible and I’m excited to see what’s next in my final courses of the ADL program. I want to thank my peers for holding me accountable when I felt like quitting. We are a team, so it was several teamwork makes a dream work moment. The feedback I received was awesome and helpful and I was able to make all necessary changes in a great time frame after my peers looked over everything to for me.​