Influencer model
Klein ISD teachers and staff will become aware of, understand why they are important, create, and utilize ePortfolios at Klein Oak High School, as the "norm" beginning in 2022. Over time, they will facilitate the creation and use of ePorfolios by students.
Results to achieve
Convince teachers that students should have an ePortfolio
Have teachers with ePortfolios to share them
Students will create ePortfolio
Inspire teachers & staff to create their own ePortfolio
Results measurement
BOY - assess how many teachers, students, staff have ePortfolio
MOY- check progress of ePortfolio (how many pages have been created)
EOY - count how many teachers, students, and staff have ePortfolios
Vital Behaviors to be changed
Promote awareness of ePortfolios by teachers, staff, and students
Teachers, staff, students create an ePortfolio and use it in class/meetings
Each teacher that has an ePortfolio has opportunity to mentor one other person in their department.
Klein ISD teachers, students, staff, utilize ePortfolios as the norm
Who are the organizational Influencers?
My PLC team
Teachers, “the chosen peer influencers” (TBD), and staff that have created ePortfolios already
Mrs. Ditta (Asst. Principal - she is on board already)
Six sources of influence for implementing the eportfolio plan
Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change (2nd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., Shimberg, A., 2013. How to 10X Your Influence. Vital Smarts