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The growth mindset

Writer's picture: Monika  Wiggins Monika Wiggins

Question # 1

Why is the growth mindset so important?

Growth mindset

If I tend to deliver the Dr. Carol Dweck meaning of growth mindset then surely I will elaborate it as;

“With great assiduousness, one can achieve everything in their life. Their abilities can be bloomed and grown to an ultimate level in which they desire.”

Expansion of growth mindset

As a student, I feel the root cause of so many failures that we come across in today’s world is just the anchored thoughts that are already rooted in our brains. We already know what are our shortcomings but still, ignore that this is where we are responsible for our own destruction.

To inculcate what I have concluded till now is “ the individuals who feel their prowess is in their work will put all of their efforts to not just be confined to one static failure thing despite the fact that they will grow from their negligence and they will surely achieve more than those static fixed mindsets.”

When you are content with the phases of learning and you have reached your thinking to a state in which you have just one task to learn you will waste less time in fretting and more on what is giving more instructions to your mind.

Competency of growth mindset

When a child is being raised, their parents put all of their efforts into making their child a better version of themselves. For this, they do all of their best just to make sure the things that have caused them failure should not be encountered by their child. But sometimes parenting can be hard and they start to put pressure on the child. This stigma creates a brain development that is hesitant to commit any slight mistake as this will cause distress.

Do you ever feel a thrill when you open a new book? Do you ever ask yourself what if I fail in my favorite exam? Do you ever feel what if all my plan A of life tends to crash?

12 Advantages Of A Growth Mindset That Could Accelerate Your … These questions can be answered just by knowing the reality behind the “growth mindset”. A growth mindset means you are ready to face all sorts of hurdles and determined to learn irrespective of failure and success. As Dr.Carol Dweck has focused on “YET”, some people more often than successful, continue on their self-improvement journey because they feel the venture to inquire about education and make your mind so much subtle through the power of knowledge is the most seducing and satisfying thing on this planet.


I would like to explain the crucial importance of these “GROWTH MINDSETS”, by examples that will let you know how it changes our ways towards learning;

Growth despite success

When you push yourself to do something either by setting goals that are far off from your comfort zone. Then it doesn’t matter whether you achieve your target or not. When you constantly make yourself restricted to something that you feel is highly momentous to you then after some constant perseverance, you will inculcate those habits within yourself. There it is! Just like a flower you have bloomed yourself. You will be Flourish with success.

If you look at the lifestyle of every successful person, then one thing you will see with every single one of them will be that they follow some kind of discipline in their daily routine. If you have that one factor of perseverance soon with steady efforts you will see how your mindset is changing and EVOLVING!

Growth despite failure

When people have a strong belief in broadening their mind spectrum they don’t confine it to one phase. Rather if they fail they will be ready to come back and they will come up with a stronger pace because they have accepted and treated their mistakes now. They will not take grudges from the criticism that usually comes around with failure. But they will acknowledge their shortcomings and make themselves a different and brighter flower that will bloom next season.


The bright and heightening concept given by Dr.Carol Dweck is a most revolutionary one. I have clearly seen where I am standing. In that video in which Dr. Dweck says that a 13-year old said a letter to her about how his life has been changed and how he has wasted his previous life. My response is the same! NO DIFFERENCE! How I have lived a life in which a fixed mindset has confined me to one place. For me, after the whole this whole process of acknowledgments are;

Question # 2

How will you incorporate the four steps?

I am sure this will not be easy as we are always stuck to one thing “what if we fail?” I assume as the question itself is so anxious then how we will ever be able to face it in reality. Hence, the four steps that will lead our rational brain towards “Growth Mindset from Fixed Mindset” can be achieved by following regulatory principles that are highly psychological!

1-learn to be deaf from the inner voice

when you try to perform a task and you know this is a hard task or maybe in your first attempt you might not be able to achieve it. But from the very moment, a voice will come from you! YES! AN INNER TRIGGER VOICE THAT IS TRYING TO RESTRAIN YOU.

If this happens, then congratulations you are normal and you are living a life with a fixed mindset.

A mindset that doesn't have room for challenges in their life as they will cause you to come out from your comfort zone is fixed.

So before even trying, this nasty cowardly voice will stop you. What you need to do is to make yourself deaf. You will start hearing voices from your success as soon as you take the pathway of “ effort “.

2-An accessible plan B

Our brain is a window, you should always keep this window open to depart the toxicity from your mind and fresh ideas to come in. Similarly, when you are performing a taxing task but are still unable then you need to change your path and switch to Plan B. If after persistent efforts your Plan A is not attainable besides taking it on the heart and give your hard work a pause try to inculcate on more available options.

So many actors perform well in a movie but despite their efforts, the movie doesn't get that success and hype that was expected by the actor. So what do they do? Do they quit acting? OR do they stop trying? Either they search for more options that will make them successful.

This is how a growth mindset works.

3- Retaliate with the growth mindset

Maybe you don’t have that level of potential! Maybe you lack that talent!?

When you visage a new challenge that is far off from the sanctuary of your mind zone then you hear the above statements straight from your brain. Oh Yes! These are our inner voices or in another fancier way GUT FEELINGS, they are our main hinders. This is the right time don’t impede them just respond with an optimistic growth mindset that;

Maybe this is something that is far off from my comfort zone or difficult, but I may be able to do this after some time with my constant efforts.

You just need the right amount of adjustments to cope up with every situation and have such grace that you embrace your failures and try to return with more effort than the previous ones. And the most important thing in this regard is you are incharge of your doings. When someone backbites your defeat, take the whole charge, stop putting credits on others for your own non-fulfilments as the people with a fixed mindset in these blame games. You are not one of them. You have seized the growth mindset.

4- It’s time for exertion!

If you have flourished your brain to the ultimate path that is far beyond success then you are ready to embrace “excellence”. You have obstructed all sorts of negative painful voices and chosen a way to swap your old fixed mindset to the growth mindset then you are ready to take any action. When you make yourself habitual of this formula;


You will not be afraid anymore and will have the audacity to take on a new challenge. You will surely learn from your setbacks and learn wholeheartedly and try again without any slight hesitation.

Question # 3

How will you communicate the message of “yet” to your others?

There’s a thing going on with people around us. These people are called nitpickers. So first of all whatever you do either achieve your goals or remain stuck, these sorts of people will always criticize and make the worst out of you and pop up a hindrance in your psychological personality. These people come and go side-by-side in your life.

In your life when you are surrounded by so many people that are always looking into your achievements and most crucially when you fail they matter! Or do they really matter!! We just need to have a Growth Mindset.

I would like to elaborate on an example just before coming straight towards YET!

A figure from Greek mythology was punished because he was accused of performing deceitful acts. His name was Sisyphus. The punishment was to roll a giant rock up a hill. Each time when he was near to his YET, the rock came back tumbling back down. So again to the point when he initially starts up! “NOT YET”. To achieve “yet” he struggled, he continued to push the rock uphill just with the help of his growth mindset.

Similarly, this journey is hard. To communicate our YET to others we need to perform a lot of effort. “NOT YET” means you are still on the track of learning. Besides telling a learner or more precisely a conscientious person that you are nothing. Or you haven’t achieved anything until now. You can simply raise them by saying not yet. As Dr.Carol says in growth mindsets, the YET means you can improve!

So to the people who have fixed mindset and have spent a phase of their life in just criticizing over their luck or others really need to hear this;

“Mindsets can be taught, they are malleable”

They are not fixed, with time, constant effort and with a proper mindset, you can mold them in the way you like. When you believe that others can also help you by guiding you or even giving feedback then take this opportunity and make them believe how impactful the POWER OF YET is!

Question # 4

What resources will you use to promote the growth mindset?

As a student, I believe in the power of technology. We have seen how people are so much into social-media life.

• Number of social media users 2025 | Statistathis simple test will show you how many social media users there are and researchers have clearly observed that due to the pandemic this usage has been increased by more than 2 % which shows alone in the U.S 223 users are present in the year 2020-21.

If I will promote this life-changing mechanism then surely I will make special online portals that run when people use media networking apps like Facebook, Instagram, or maybe Twitter.

I will make a youtube channel that will spread awareness more precisely through talking as I have seen how we enjoy spending our time in podcasts and ted-talks. By this, we can learn and widen our approach and enjoy it without considering this as a burden.

Question # 5

When and how often will you promote the growth mindset?

The Growth mindset is a blessing. People who are flourished with these types of mental approaches then it means they believe in themselves and let them reach a point where no one wants them to go. They are ready to deal out with every sort of situation. On the other hand, people with a fixed mindset feel devastated when they encounter a new challenge.

In the school world, students with growth and fixed mindset respond entirely differently when a new summon comes in their way.

Well, times like these students are making more of their time with themselves. So this time is foremost for them. By developing the following system the growth mindset can be promoted;

1.As a student!

It may sound cliche that if students make goals, then they have already taken the first step. They just need to focus on something and believe in it. This is the exact right time to achieve and transmogrify their mindset. I will promote these mindsets when I know what I am lacking. For this, I will probably reach out in my class and see what others are thinking and how my feedback on their work can channel their life.

2- As a teacher

As Dr.Carol says she has to lead a school to such a district level when nobody knows that school even exists!

This is how powerfully teachers can play their role in promoting and shaping the mindset of their students. They can play the role of the ladder in their student’s path of success by just making them believe in themselves and by giving them the ability to improve.

If we start to pay more attention towards praising the process by not criticizing the outcomes then surely we have already started promoting growth outcomes.

When you have the right stamina to leverage your self-insight, this is attainable when you respect your interests, strength, values, and ambitions. The promotion of a growth mindset is vital for any early beginner as your short-term goals will relate to your role development. As soon as you get habitual your long-term goals will be linked entirely to developmental actions. In this way, when you take the promotion as part of your daily routine you will start making future goals and this will ultimately assist you in staying motivated!

Question # 6

How will the growth mindset influence or impact the way people approach your work in the course?

The growth mindset is a trump card in every field of life. We need to find some strong reason just not to support these types of approaches. For people near us we can influence them by saying;

People always do what makes them happy. When you are in love with your work you see there are a lot of other people who are also doing this work. They are not your competitors, rather you need to seek motivation from them. Let’s say if someone gets more grades in this course then his achievement is a lesson for me to take inspiration from his success and enable myself to do more effort in my next course. I guarantee if all of us put this scenario in our heads then our marketing world would be in a much better place than now!

Our greatest leader of this time Dr.Carol once said in an interview;

We think our idols and champions are born different from us. This is what we adore about them, that they don't like us. We absolutely ignore the fact that they were as ordinary as we are who make them extraordinary”.[1] (Dweck, n.d., #)

Being open and relative about all sorts of their challenges I am sure people will give hallmarks of growth mindset thinking after my reading in this course. To the people reading this I just like to put forward this idea

“The harder it gets, the harder you will try.”

We as humans and being students as well learn more when we are provided with wise crucial feedback on our problems. The enduring sense of pride and self-worth is infinite when an entirely new problem is sorted out. Cultivating the growth mindset is just teaching perseverance and adaptability!


1. Dweck. (n.d.). Growth mindset.

"Dr. Dweck's research into growth mindset changed education forever." Accessed 10 Sep. 2021.



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