this new idea. My next step, the middle of my story, will then be to highlight even further the desirability and superior appeal (TedEx Talks, 2010) of new professional learning by alternating between the downfalls of the current “sit and get” trainings and the positives of the new individualized, collaborative professional learning style. For the new professional learning style, the main ideas highlighted will be 5 key principles of effective PL: ongoing learning to allow time for teachers to learn a new technology and grapple with the implementation problem, teacher support during the implementation stage, various opportunities for teachers to actively participate and make sense of the new technology, adequate modeling for teachers to help them understand how to effectively use new technology and catering professional learning to meet specific content and pedagogical needs (Gulamhussein, 2013). Once again, the media used during the alternating can be used to create negative and positive feelings about the current status quo professional development and the new style respectively. This constant toggling back and forth between the two professional learning styles will also help to counter potential apprehensions, obstacles, and roadblocks towards implementing this new style of professional learning. Seeing the continuous contrast between the two styles will create a more unappealing view of the status quo (TedEx Talks, 2010) for administrators and teachers and make them more open to the new style.
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