How do you interpret the message of "yet"?
How will adopting the growth mindset change the way you learn?
Consider how the growth mindset can change the acceptance of feedback.
Can the growth mindset help limit some of your own or your students' preoccupation with grades?
What resources (content, video, media, etc.) might you use to learn more about the growth mindset?
Review the graphic below and compare and contrast the Fixed Mindset to the Growth Mindset
I've been learning about growth mindset and it brings back so many memories when my grandmother would use the statement " O you're just stuck in you'd ways". Growth is and option and your mind is a terrible thing to waste. As we grow in life we have to make choices. Choices to get up, choices to be stuck or complacency. Adopting the growth mindset model in our classroom and at my home has been life changing literally. We strive each day to be a better person and that's something we are Teaching the students . I can honestly say that I didn't want to take the extra step to register for Grad school but I had to make up my mind to take a Leap of Faith. I work with Special Education Students and it's a struggle getting them to understand so we model it out to never give up . It can be a new goal that was placed into their IEP. We tech the students to never quit and that quitting is not an option . When you feel like quitting take a moment to regroup, then try again . Knowledge is key! If we don't teach the students how to be strong Leaders and to stay positive , I believe they will then teach someone else . It feels good when you are around co workers who think positive, their behavior is then is positive "Growth Mindset". I chat with my 8th grade daughter because she's having trouble in math using the "Fancy Calculator" as she call it. My daughter feels defeated and her mindset is basically talking her that she is not smart as the other students etc. I say "
After watching Dr. Carol Dweck's video, "Developing a Growth Mindset", I feel that the students had some sort of support system to do good . Well, it didn't go that way and the student didn't know how to respond properly . My 17 year old son responds differently through challenges and he doesn't know when that growth mindset suppose to turn on. Viewing the video it made me change my statement "Failure is not an option because it is " How can we grow if it's not an option?
This is my first time learning about capturing the kids hearts but I think I have been following the guidelines before I knew there was a name to it . My husband said something so powerful today "Confidence is not flamboyant; It's a quiet, calm, inner strength. Something that is used to power you thru any difficulty". #empowered2live.
The power of yet opened my eyes even more because I'm preparing to take my SPED Exam and I'm learning so much about life skills and what are some things we can teach the students that they will be able to carry it throughout life. Skills that can contribute to ones future . The power to believe . You have to believe in anything you put your mind to . I Teach this to student, to my kids and random people . I believe the children are our future and we must teach them well and let them lead the way. That is an old song we use to sing back in the day .